
Showing posts from March, 2016

Silly typo in Google webserver http 404 error page

I came across this silly typo while just putting (guessing) URL at Instead of Error 404 (Not Found)!!! in the title, I found Error 404 (Not Found)!!1 I know it looks silly typo but when you are Google, you should be careful in every thing. I tried to report it to Google via twitter and chrome feedback but no response from them yet. It's still there as on Mar 6, 2016. Someone being lazy and (less excited) at @google #404 error page. (!!1) @googledevs — Aakash Sharma (@AakashYSharma) March 5, 2016 Update: 17-Jan-2017 The typo still exists! Update: 26-Apr-2017 The typo still exists! Update: 12-Apr-2021 The typo is still there!